Happy Easter! Even though Easter Sunday ispast, we can continue to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. Last two weekend, wehad 12 people attending our Sunday service on Mar. 28th and 7 peopleon Apr. 4th, the first time we shared the Lord’s supper. Please seethe photos of the event as below:
In addition, the English classwent on very successfully last week. We had 16 people in average learningtogether and had a good time by the assistance of high school studentsattending our English study group every day. Especially, we received the firstdonation, 130 dollars, and there are two more people willing to attend ourBible study on Friday night. Please see the video for the detail:
We request you for praying for our needs listed below.
1. May God give us chances and wisdom tofollow up the Chinese families continually attending our Sunday events and tobuild up believers.
2. Sharon volunteers as a TA for Chinesestudents in one local elementary school every Tuesday, and I volunteered as aTA at Youth For Christ (YFC) every Monday. In addition, we both volunteer to interpretfor Chinese people at Westman Immigrant Service (WIS) every Monday andWednesday. May God use us as a channel between Chinese immigrants and communityas well as them and church.
3. Brandon School Division would like toprovide Sharon a half-day TA position and she will have an interview at 10:30tomorrow (Apr. 8th). If she got this position, she will postpone her plan ofgoing to the Faculty in BU. May God make a way for her application and workingpermit so that she can help more Chinese students by using her teachingabilities officially in school.
4. The English study group will go on wellcontinually. We shared the movie, The Passion of the Christ, with themon Good Friday night. Most of them were so moved that they burst into tears.May God keep moving in their hearts and drawing them near to Him.
5. Since we got the first donation, we needto have our own account and charity number as soon as possible. However, ourtreasurer told me that it could take a while for getting authorization fromAlliance District. May God help us to deal with this problem and to befinance-independent gradually.
6. I failed my first road test due to lackof practice. I need more chances to practice driving with a supervising driverso that I can pass the next one confidently.
7. I will go to three cities, Calgary forAnnual Conference of CCACA, Toronto for the course of “Alliance History and Thought”, and Regina for NewWorkers Retreat, in the coming May. May God give me wisdom and provide mefinancial support to arrange my time (taking 16 days) and to balance my finance(costing $1800 totally).
Thanks for your concerns and intercession!May God's good wills be done through working with us together.
Daniel & Sharon